Friday, 15 November 2019

Y02 Research Non-Digital Photographic techniques. Brian Duffy.

Research Brian Duffy's work focusing on the mid 1960's.

Duffy was closely connected to Bailey during the mid 1960's and used very similar equipment and techniques. Look at Duffy's work making observations with regards his use of equipment, materials, techniques and processes.

  • Use of Black and white film 
  • Medium format 6x6 
  • Simpilcity of lighting
  • Use of location and background
  • The inclusion of the film rebate at the printing stage.
  • Styling/poses/expression.
  • Printed on Fibre based paper with large white surround/mount.

In order to address the criteria (Below in box) through your research - you need to investigate and identify the equipment, materials and techniques used by Duffy whilst making observations relating to health and safety issues that would have been evident in his practice.

Watch this documentary and the part 2 (Click on the image to open).
You're advised to use the A3 template in the sidebar to the right here and produce the work using the new format below.

The deadline for this work is 23.59 hrs on Dec 2nd. The work has to be uploaded to Turnitin.

Once completed you need to print off 2 copies. 1 of the copies must be single-sided so that it can be displayed in your portfolio on opposite pages facing each other.

The 2nd copy will need to be printed and used in your course work folder (Unit 20).