Friday, 15 November 2019

Y02 Research Non-Digital Photographic techniques. Brian Duffy.

Research Brian Duffy's work focusing on the mid 1960's.

Duffy was closely connected to Bailey during the mid 1960's and used very similar equipment and techniques. Look at Duffy's work making observations with regards his use of equipment, materials, techniques and processes.

  • Use of Black and white film 
  • Medium format 6x6 
  • Simpilcity of lighting
  • Use of location and background
  • The inclusion of the film rebate at the printing stage.
  • Styling/poses/expression.
  • Printed on Fibre based paper with large white surround/mount.

In order to address the criteria (Below in box) through your research - you need to investigate and identify the equipment, materials and techniques used by Duffy whilst making observations relating to health and safety issues that would have been evident in his practice.

Watch this documentary and the part 2 (Click on the image to open).
You're advised to use the A3 template in the sidebar to the right here and produce the work using the new format below.

The deadline for this work is 23.59 hrs on Dec 2nd. The work has to be uploaded to Turnitin.

Once completed you need to print off 2 copies. 1 of the copies must be single-sided so that it can be displayed in your portfolio on opposite pages facing each other.

The 2nd copy will need to be printed and used in your course work folder (Unit 20).

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Y02 - Research Task - David Bailey "Box of pin ups" (1965)

Research David Bailey's work focusing on the mid 1960's.

I would argue that Bailey's work around this time, epitomises the look of this period. If you're looking to recreate a look that is redolent of the mid 60's you cannot go wrong if you use Bailey's approach...

  • Black and white film - FP4+ or TRI-X 
  • Shot on Medium format 6x6 
  • Bailey-esque lighting - pay particular attention to ratios, shadows, direction and catch-lights in the eyes. Simple single or 2 light set-up with the use of small reflectors or point light.
  • Plain backgrounds - white or grey.
  • The inclusion of the film rebate at the printing stage.
  • Styling/poses/expression.
  • Printed on Fibre based paper with large white surround/mount.

In order to address the criteria (Below in box) through your research - you need to investigate and identify the equipment, materials and techniques used by Bailey whilst making observations relating to H&S issues that would have been evident in his practice.

In your research identify why Bailey is so significant - why is he one of the greatest photographers and why was he so Ground-breaking?

Also look at the significant changes that were happening in society as a whole during the same period. The Pill, the abortion law, economic revival after WWII, Mods and Rockers.

Watch this documentary and the part 2 (Click on the image to open).
You're advised to use the A3 template in the sidebar to the right here and produce the work using the new format below.

The deadline for this work is 23.59 hrs on November 18th. The work has to be uploaded to Turnitin.

Once completed you need to print off 2 copies. 1 of the copies must be single-sided so that it can be displayed in your portfolio on opposite pages facing each other.

The 2nd copy will need to be printed and used in the Unit 20 folder.

Links - Taschen book

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

1st year Research Task The Bechers

Introduction to Objectivity in Photography

(Independent English sessions)


The theme this week is Objectivity in Photography 

For the most widely known example of Objectivity in Photography think back to when you most recently had your passport photography done, or if you've not had one done recently, find a booth and go through the experience of being photographed objectively. See this link here for the instructions for Passport photography. 


Before you get down to the research re-aquaint yourself with the grading criteria and make sure you know what you need to write about within your work... "Explain how photographic materials, techniques and processes are used to communicate creative intentions".

Therefore, it's essential that when you're doing your research you establish What the creative intention is...

The Bechers            Click on the image for the video.

(1).  why are these photographers making these pictures, how are they going to be used, why are they so interested in these themes and subjects?

(2).  How do the techniques that have been used help to communicate the creative intention? When writing about the techniques consider... Choice of camera; light; view-point, composition; weather conditions, exposure time (Shutter speed), and aperture.
(3). Again, thinking about the creative intention, how are the materials used to communicate these? In this instance you need to understand why the particular films and papers are used. This'll be covered in one of the up-coming sessions with Dave T. 
(4). Processes. If you watch the video, they talk about a number of processes used to create these images... Waiting for specific light and weather conditions, the use of presenting the images as Typologies, using lenses in particular ways to create a certain end result. Use of two tripods and more. 

In the next few days I'll go over this in one of the sessions. Work on it as best you can in the meantime.

The work needs to be produced in the shorter format - Aim to produce no more than a columns worth of text and a columns worth of images. 

the same manner as the previous research work - you'll find the A3 - 3 column word template in the side bar here.

What is their creative intention? - why have they shot the images? This is mentioned in the video; Is the work commercial work or is it artwork e.g. a personal project? Use images off the internet that show how the work is used/displayed in a gallery. Use the pre-fix "Sold at auction" to ascertain the size of the images typically and what materials they are printed on.

Look at the video and pay attention to the edges of the film - what films have they used - research these and use images and product information. 

In the video cameras are mentioned by name - find images of the cameras - why have these been used?

*Note the bigger the film negative is, the higher the quality. The lower the ISO number the finer the grain and the better the quality, enabling the production and printing of much larger prints. Larger prints are generally associated with work being produced to sell in galleries as 'Art'. 

In the video they mention the use of two tripods. If you search hard enough you'll find images of Bernd Becher using a view camera with 2 tripods. Search "The Bechers 2 tripods".