Friday 24 August 2018

Xavier Ribas - Barcelona (Location Photography).

Research task

Here's the first of the recommended Photographers for your research for the Location Unit. Ideally you'll use 2 or more for the research. See links below. The research needs to be done within the first week and submitted to Turnitin via Moodle on the college website when indicated to do so.

Remember the work needs to be laid out in a particular way - Double click on this image for the instructions on how to configure the word document for your design sheets.

When researching Ribas the main things you need to be considering and writing about are...

Within your research – Detailed explanations of the Type of location photography your artists have produced and what makes it that type – what are its characteristics?
Within your research – Detailed analysis of the problems and challenges that they may have faced when shooting their images. General problems relating to producing photography on location.
Within your research – Detailed analysis of the problems and challenges that they may have faced when shooting their images relating to light.
Within your research – Detailed analysis of the problems and challenges that they may have faced when shooting their images relating to equipment, techniques and media.
Within your research – explain why the equipment, techniques and media used by the photographers are appropriate and fit for purpose.

The Prompts are to be found in the link in the side bar to the right here. 

Make sure you include the use of quotes and ensure they are cross-referenced with your bibliography. Aim to have a split of 50/50 pictures and image content. Keep it simple -use the 'Insert' pictures command within Word when using this 3 column approach. 

Enure you use your class notes to help compile the work

Update 9/9/19 from an on-line conversation I had with Xavier on Facebook asking about his MTP's and equipment.

"Huh! Still looking at that old work! Great! I was influenced by Sternfeld and other Am Independents culprits, Michael Schmidt, Paul Graham, etc and Lewis Baltz, always. Some influences are formal, others intellectual or conceptual. But also informed by Passolini, De Certeau, Gilles Clément, Rem Koolhaas, etc.. I used a Fuji GW670 camera with 160 ASA film. Most images taken f11 1/125s, hand held. Hope it helps".

The other photographer - Is Yelena Yemchuk

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